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Unit-2 artist statement 

Inspired by last project about the connection and relationship between loneliness and solitude. This semester, I turned to creating an imaginary solitude space.This space is comfortable, wonderful and intoxicating. I believe that being in such a comfortable space is beneficial to relaxing the body, and can be used for reflection and inner searching . 

everyone deserves solitude time, it does not just means the lack of connections with other people negatively, by contrast, the true valuable solitude should be living peacefully and quietly , should be seen as a gift,an opportunity , a time of experiencing peacefulness.


But I didn't expect a world-wide plague suddenly shut down the whole world. and more and more countries have implemented the block policy . All of a sudden, everyone has to keep self isolation, study and work have moved to the home, and almost only their own family can be contacted every day. nothing has left but alone time . I have to claim that the situation that cities are sleeping, he same life repeats itself every day , it’s definitely not the kind of solitude I’ve been talking about. 


I wonder, facing such a disaster, what can art do? As an artist, what can we do to help, at lest , encourage people? I think the more pain is around people , the more  encouragement and pleasure is needed. Let’s recall the dream I described in the beginning , Will seeing that illusory dream world bring a little comfort to the suffering people? If it does, then what I’m doing is meaningful. Since we cannot travel with our feet, why not travel in imagination and dreams?

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